CENTURION POWER module improves the acceleration, gives your car overall more power throughout all gear changes, saves you fuel, allows safer overtaking and adds much more fun to your daily driving!
Easy to install, easy to remove.
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI
Capacity : 2967ccm
Original Power: 171kW | 232HP
Torque: 500Nm
Centurion Power: 227kW | 309HP
Torque: 602Nm
Including Economy Optimization - saves up to 1 litre / 100km on fuel
Delivery time worldwide approx 7-10 days.
Question about the product, delivery, price? Get in touch NOW !
The CENTURION POWER module is an external module, which means the original software is not getting overwritten and all original systems stay fully operational.
Adjustable performance increase and regulation for more responsiveness and acceleration or less.
Centurion Power module comes optimized for fuel savings and reduces the fuel consumption by up to 10%.
- Centurion Power module is YOUR stealth plug-in performance solution
- Centurion Power module leaves no traces
- Centurion Power module can easily be removed before service appointments, if wanted
- Centurion Power module is a plug and play solution, installed usually in less than 30 minutes
- Centurion Power module is dyno and autobahn proven, developed and manufactured in Germany
- Centurion Power module uses original OEM plugs in highest quality and finish, no wire splicing
- Centurion Power module runs custom software on a microchip inside the module. Developed and engineered for each engine type and car model individually
- Centurion Power module accesses knowledge of finest engineers in Germany with in-depth knowledge of TDIs, CDIs, TFSIs and twin turbo engines, getting the best performance and reliability for You
- Centurion Power module can be perfectly used for leased vehicles and can be sold or swapped after vehicle change, unlike ECU software flash where you lose your investment with sale or change of car
Resistant against temperature fluctuations - The Centurion power module operates perfectly between -20 °C and + 130 °C.
Winter operation – Resistant against road salt. Module is internally sealed and protected against all external influences.
Shock resistance - Module operates perfectly even during hard shock situations like bumpy roads.
Delivery time worldwide approx 7-10 days.
Made in Germany
Contact us if you have any questions about the product, price or delivery.
Illustration similar.
Performance upgrades
All stated performance figures are approximate values only. They depend on vehicle-specific details such as vehicle type, equipment level, curb weight, final drive ratio, tyre/wheel combinations, transmission version and aerodynamic enhancements. The performance figures and data represent the maximum values achievable during development and peak testing. The final performance output depends on the OEM power of the vehicle from factory. These figures fluctuate from car to car. Test-dependent divergences of +/- 8% are possible. Figures about the overall performance of changed factory engines through performance increases and/or performance kits are based on the manufacturer’s data listed in the vehicle registration document, which can vary by +/- 5-8%.
In Germany, Power upgrades can cause the motor vehicle’s general operating permit to become void, if installation of the module has not been inspected and approved by an officially recognized technical inspection facility, as defined by § 19 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations and confirmed in accordance with § 22 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations. The operation of motor vehicles without the required operating permit may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Installing a performance upgrade may also void your car insurance. Please check details with your insurer and notify them about the upgrade prior to installation.
The installation of a performance module may lead to loss of manufacturer’s warranty. Please check with your dealer for details.
Rules and regulations may vary from country to country. Please check for details with respective authorities in your country.
German version | Deusche Version:
Leistungssteigerung für:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI
Kapazität: 2967ccm
Leistung Serie: 171kW | 232PS
Drehmoment: 500Nm
Centurion Power: 227kW | 309PS
Drehmoment: 602Nm
Stoßfestigkeit - Unabhängige Tests beweisen, dass auch harte Stöße keinen Einfluss auf die Funktionalität der Centurion-Tuning-Module haben.
Temperaturbeständigkeit - Die Centurion-Module können im Fahrbetrieb extremen Temperaturschwankungen ausgesetzt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Funktion im Dauerbetrieb ist zwischen -20 ° C und + 135 ° C gewährleistet.
Wintertauglichkeit – für unsere Kunden in den winterlichen Ländern - Streusalz auf Schnee beinflusst negativ alle elektronischen Geräte. Alle Centurion Module sind gegen Strassenstreusalz geschützt und resistent, somit können Salzschäden ausgeschlossen werden.
Lieferzeit weltweit ca 7-10 Tage.
Made in Germany
Abbildung ähnlich.
Bitte um Kontaktaufnahme bei Fragen zum Produkt, Preis oder Lieferung.
Alle angegebenen Leistungsziffern sind nur Näherungswerte. Sie sind abhängig von fahrzeugspezifischen Details wie Fahrzeugtyp , Ausstattung, Leergewicht, Achsübersetzung, Rad / Reifen-Kombinationen, Getriebe und aerodynamische Verbesserungen. Die hier dargestellten Leistungsdaten sind erreichbare Maximalwerte in der Entwicklung und Tests. Die tatsächliche Leistungsausbeute ist von der Serientoleranz des Fahrzeugs abhängig. Test-Abweichungen von +/- 8% sind möglich. Angaben über die Gesamtleistung veränderter Werksmotoren durch Leistungssteigerung und / oder Leistungskits werden auf Basis der in der Fahrzeugbrief angegebenen Details des Herstellers angegeben, die +/- 5-8% abweichen können.
Hinweis: Der Einbau der Zusatzelektronik (Tuning-Chip) und Verwendung im Strassenverkehr in Deutschland kann dazu führen, dass die Betriebserlaubnis für das Fahrzeug erlischt, wenn der Einbau des Chips nicht unverzüglich durch einen amtlich anerkannten Sachverständigen abgenommen und eine Bestätigung erteilt wird. Der Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeug im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr in Deutschland ohne Betriebserlaubnis gem. § 3 Pflichtversicherungsgesetz führt dazu, dass der Haftpflichtversicherung im Schadenfall nicht zur Leistung verpflichtet ist. Die Leistungssteigerung von Kraftfahrzeugen kann darüber hinaus eine Neueinstufung bei der Kraftfahrzeugversicherung und eine behördliche Überprüfung des so veränderten Fahrzeugs notwenig machen. Der Einbau der Zusatzelektronik (Tuning-Chip) führt dazu, dass die Gewährleistungsansprüche gegenüber dem Verkäufer sowie die Garantieansprüche gegenüber dem Hersteller für die vom Chip-Tuning betroffenen Teile entfallen können. Dies ist im Einzelnen mit dem Hersteller zu prüfen. Der Einbau eines Chip-Tunings kann zum Verlust des Versicherungsschutzes führen dies ist ebenfalls im Einzelnen mit der Versicherung zu klären.
The CENTURION POWER module is an external module, which means the original software is not getting overwritten and all original systems stay fully operational.
Adjustable performance increase and regulation for more responsiveness and acceleration or less.
Centurion Power module comes optimized for fuel savings and reduces the fuel consumption by up to 10%.
- Centurion Power module is YOUR stealth plug-in performance solution
- Centurion Power module leaves no traces
- Centurion Power module can easily be removed before service appointments, if wanted
- Centurion Power module is a plug and play solution, installed usually in less than 30 minutes
- Centurion Power module is dyno and autobahn proven, developed and manufactured in Germany
- Centurion Power module uses original OEM plugs in highest quality and finish, no wire splicing
- Centurion Power module runs custom software on a microchip inside the module. Developed and engineered for each engine type and car model individually
- Centurion Power module accesses knowledge of finest engineers in Germany with in-depth knowledge of TDIs, CDIs, TFSIs and twin turbo engines, getting the best performance and reliability for You
- Centurion Power module can be perfectly used for leased vehicles and can be sold or swapped after vehicle change, unlike ECU software flash where you lose your investment with sale or change of car
Resistant against temperature fluctuations - The Centurion power module operates perfectly between -20 °C and + 130 °C.
Winter operation – Resistant against road salt. Module is internally sealed and protected against all external influences.
Shock resistance - Module operates perfectly even during hard shock situations like bumpy roads.
Delivery time worldwide approx 7-10 days.
Made in Germany
Contact us if you have any questions about the product, price or delivery.
Illustration similar.
Performance upgrades
All stated performance figures are approximate values only. They depend on vehicle-specific details such as vehicle type, equipment level, curb weight, final drive ratio, tyre/wheel combinations, transmission version and aerodynamic enhancements. The performance figures and data represent the maximum values achievable during development and peak testing. The final performance output depends on the OEM power of the vehicle from factory. These figures fluctuate from car to car. Test-dependent divergences of +/- 8% are possible. Figures about the overall performance of changed factory engines through performance increases and/or performance kits are based on the manufacturer’s data listed in the vehicle registration document, which can vary by +/- 5-8%.
In Germany, Power upgrades can cause the motor vehicle’s general operating permit to become void, if installation of the module has not been inspected and approved by an officially recognized technical inspection facility, as defined by § 19 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations and confirmed in accordance with § 22 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations. The operation of motor vehicles without the required operating permit may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Installing a performance upgrade may also void your car insurance. Please check details with your insurer and notify them about the upgrade prior to installation.
The installation of a performance module may lead to loss of manufacturer’s warranty. Please check with your dealer for details.
Rules and regulations may vary from country to country. Please check for details with respective authorities in your country.
German version | Deusche Version:
Leistungssteigerung für:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI
Kapazität: 2967ccm
Leistung Serie: 171kW | 232PS
Drehmoment: 500Nm
Centurion Power: 227kW | 309PS
Drehmoment: 602Nm
Stoßfestigkeit - Unabhängige Tests beweisen, dass auch harte Stöße keinen Einfluss auf die Funktionalität der Centurion-Tuning-Module haben.
Temperaturbeständigkeit - Die Centurion-Module können im Fahrbetrieb extremen Temperaturschwankungen ausgesetzt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Funktion im Dauerbetrieb ist zwischen -20 ° C und + 135 ° C gewährleistet.
Wintertauglichkeit – für unsere Kunden in den winterlichen Ländern - Streusalz auf Schnee beinflusst negativ alle elektronischen Geräte. Alle Centurion Module sind gegen Strassenstreusalz geschützt und resistent, somit können Salzschäden ausgeschlossen werden.
Lieferzeit weltweit ca 7-10 Tage.
Made in Germany
Abbildung ähnlich.
Bitte um Kontaktaufnahme bei Fragen zum Produkt, Preis oder Lieferung.
Alle angegebenen Leistungsziffern sind nur Näherungswerte. Sie sind abhängig von fahrzeugspezifischen Details wie Fahrzeugtyp , Ausstattung, Leergewicht, Achsübersetzung, Rad / Reifen-Kombinationen, Getriebe und aerodynamische Verbesserungen. Die hier dargestellten Leistungsdaten sind erreichbare Maximalwerte in der Entwicklung und Tests. Die tatsächliche Leistungsausbeute ist von der Serientoleranz des Fahrzeugs abhängig. Test-Abweichungen von +/- 8% sind möglich. Angaben über die Gesamtleistung veränderter Werksmotoren durch Leistungssteigerung und / oder Leistungskits werden auf Basis der in der Fahrzeugbrief angegebenen Details des Herstellers angegeben, die +/- 5-8% abweichen können.
Hinweis: Der Einbau der Zusatzelektronik (Tuning-Chip) und Verwendung im Strassenverkehr in Deutschland kann dazu führen, dass die Betriebserlaubnis für das Fahrzeug erlischt, wenn der Einbau des Chips nicht unverzüglich durch einen amtlich anerkannten Sachverständigen abgenommen und eine Bestätigung erteilt wird. Der Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeug im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr in Deutschland ohne Betriebserlaubnis gem. § 3 Pflichtversicherungsgesetz führt dazu, dass der Haftpflichtversicherung im Schadenfall nicht zur Leistung verpflichtet ist. Die Leistungssteigerung von Kraftfahrzeugen kann darüber hinaus eine Neueinstufung bei der Kraftfahrzeugversicherung und eine behördliche Überprüfung des so veränderten Fahrzeugs notwenig machen. Der Einbau der Zusatzelektronik (Tuning-Chip) führt dazu, dass die Gewährleistungsansprüche gegenüber dem Verkäufer sowie die Garantieansprüche gegenüber dem Hersteller für die vom Chip-Tuning betroffenen Teile entfallen können. Dies ist im Einzelnen mit dem Hersteller zu prüfen. Der Einbau eines Chip-Tunings kann zum Verlust des Versicherungsschutzes führen dies ist ebenfalls im Einzelnen mit der Versicherung zu klären.
Short Description | CENTURION POWER module improves the acceleration, gives your car overall more power throughout all gear changes, saves you fuel, allows safer overtaking and adds much more fun to your daily driving! Audi Q7 3.0 TDI ORIGINAL POWER Including Economy Optimization - saves up to 1 litre / 100km on fuel Delivery time worldwide approx 7-10 days. Question about the product, delivery, price? Get in touch NOW ! |
Category | Engine Power |

If you want to get professional advice on the correct tuning parts, wheels or any aftermarket items for your vehicle, feel free to contact our Tuning Empire Team anytime.
- Why Buy From Us?
- Largest Selection
- Complete Conversions
- Wheel & Tyre Packages
- Guaranteed fitment
- Worry-Free Shipping
- Dedicated Customer Service
Why Buy From Us?
In few words: As a Master Distributor for many years, we are enjoying maximum purchase discounts from our suppliers. These discounts are passed on to our customers so You get the best deal. Our pricing to you is therefore much better as if you would purchase as retail customer.
Secondly, due to a large volume of shipments, we have most favorable transport and shipping rates with our logistic partners like TNT or DHL. Again here we are offering the most economical and cost-efficient shipping option to our customers, which results in even more savings.
We are experts in what we do, like you are in your business field.
Thirdly, with our years of experience and knowledge of products, we were able to establish 'Tuning Empire' as an own brand and manufacture products like body kits, carbon parts and other in our production sites worldwide in larger volumes, again generating volume savings for our customers.
Buying aftermarket parts for your vehicle can be a daunting task. You know you want to improve, personalise and enhance your ride, but do not know where to start? Which part is the best and which supplier delivers what they promise ?
You have to understand the different types of wheels available, make sure the wheels will fit your car, if you are getting aerodynamic parts you need to make sure that they will fit exactly your car model, that the exhaust you are looking at fits with the existing diffuser or if you need a new one and many other things to consider.
Most importantly is therefore that you need to be confident that a real product expert is advising you throughout this purchase and a well established and reputable company will always be there for you long after the sale. It is rather rare in this industry and we pride ourselves with honest and professional consultation to all our customers.
Customers tell their friends and they tell theirs. This is the best way of expanding our business. We have a daily growing list of happy and returning customers.
Where the possibilities seem to be endless, we are here to guide and assist you to make the right choice in terms of the product and its quality.
With years of experience in the modification industry, we have developed an aftermarket parts distribution company which truly connects the needs of consumers with the product development capabilities of manufacturers.
Tuning Empire stands for:
- Honest and professional consultation
- Largest Selection of quality aftermarket products from over 100 suppliers worldwide
- Established, worldwide logistics with our trusted partners TNT, DHL and UPS
- Lowest Price guarantee
- 100% Risk-Free Shopping
- Carefully selected, trusted and approved world’s leading tuning brands
- Official and authorised distributor for all brands
- 24 h customer care and service
- Fast and Convenient Payment Methods

Largest Selection
We at Tuning Empire Group are offering our customers a streamlined access to over 150,000 products from all around the world, where communication or access by retail customers may be difficult and the knowledge of suppliers and quality is limited.
Further, we provide to our customers and business partners worldwide, access to all leading German, European, Asian and US tuning brands – all out of ‘one hand'. We are your one-stop-shop solution.
Over 100 leading automotive tuning parts suppliers are part of the Tuning Empire. We know all our suppliers very well, know their quality of products, pricing and standing in the market. We are in this industry daily and based on our knowledge and experience we advise our customers on the correct parts they are looking for. 'Always the right part' - that is our motto.
We specialise in:
• Aftermarket wheels, forged wheels, cast wheels, flow formed wheels and tyres
• Custom-built, forged wheels for stock cars and wide-body conversions
• Aerodynamic parts and body kits
• Carbon fibre exterior parts and accessories
• Performance and sound optimised exhaust systems
• Suspension components and complete lowering kits
• Engine power enhancement products
• Forced induction kits including Turbo and Supercharger upgrades
• Air intakes and air filters
• Custom carbon bonnets
• Carbon and custom steering wheels
• Interior components and carbon fibre interior parts
• We offer full carbon fibre lamination service of all parts
and more..
If you are after a special tuning package for your car – get in touch with our sales team and we assist and advise you with great pleasure.
Complete Conversions
There is no compromise when it comes to design and personal touch.
Select from our wide variety of custom forged wheels, body kits, exhaust systems, carbon fibre parts, engine upgrades and more.
You can customise pretty much everything on your car. Select the colour of the wheels you wish to have, choose the sound of your new exhaust system, the height of your suspension and re-design the interior and exterior look.
Our tuning partners go great length and put a lot of effort into R+D developing the perfect 'street machines'. Usually a complete modified car comprises of: a full wide body kit, new, larger wheels with low profile tyres, lowered suspension and deeper sounding exhaust system.
Optional carbon fibre accessories like front lip spoiler, mirror covers, diffusers, roof spoilers as well as carbon interior panels, ergonomically shaped steering wheels and power upgrades round off the complete conversion package.
Need help? Get in touch with our Tuning Empire Team and we will advise you on all the options.
Wheel & Tyre Packages
You can get wheels from us from the leading German aftermarket wheel companies including AEZ, ATS, BBS, Breyton, MB Design, ProLine and many more.
In addition we have world’s leading custom wheel suppliers in our portfolio like ADV1, BC Forged, Vellano, Rennen Forged and others.
If you are after specific speciality wheels by a renowned tuner company, you arrived at the right place. ABT Sportsline, Brabus, Hamann, Techart, Mansory, Novitec and other high-end tuning companies round off our wheel portfolio.
If you selected your wheels, why deal with the hassle of getting your tyres somewhere else?
Save time and money and purchase a complete wheel & tyre set from us.
We have great deals on all leading tyre brands including Pirelli, Continental, Michelin, Falken, Bridgestone, Hankook and many others.
In addition we specialise in racing and Motorsport tyres from Toyo, Yokohama, Dunlop etc.

Guaranteed fitment
Guaranteed Fitment
No fitment issues when you order from us!
We are working with the most advanced tuning companies on the market.
If carbon fibre parts, body kits, wheels or exhaust systems – based on our experience, feedback from customers and years of selling know-how, we can confidently advise you on the top quality items and assure you that they will fit to your vehicle.

Worry-Free Shipping
We work with world’s leading freight companies including TNT, UPS and DHL and deliver your aftermarket parts, body kits, carbon fibre accessories, exhausts, wheels, suspension components etc directly to your door step.
We ship express, if fast delivery is of importance. Economy Express and Economy deliveries are available and used as standard to make sure the customer is getting the best pricing on transport.
Next to our air freight shipments, we offer sea-freight deliveries for larger items like complete body kits, including wheels & tyres, exhaust etc. Our team will advise you on the best and most economical option to transport the cargo to you.
Safe packaging means confident shipping. You can rest assured your items are packed and handled with great care and are protected in transport all the time.
Your tuning parts are shipped insured, so there is absolutely no need to worry about any shipping damage.
Your ordered items will arrive in perfect condition, ready for installation.

Dedicated Customer Service
Dedicated Customer Service
We know how important your purchase is to you.
100% Satisfaction - Guaranteed - We want happy customers. Happy customers tell their friends, the friends tell their friends and so on.
That equals referral business and a long term relationship for both parties. If you ever encounter any issues where you are not happy with the product, the service or both, contact us so we can work it out.
We are all customers ourselves and tune our cars and know how it is if service or product is not to our expectations.
It is our goal and intention to assist every one of our customers to the best of our ability.